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Planning Board Minutes 08/01/1996



AUGUST 1, 1996

PRESENT:  Chairman Paul Adams, Brandon Giuda, Jeff Jordan, Stan Brehm, Doug Hamel, Tracy Scott, Stephen MacCleery, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Adams opened the meeting at 7:03pm with introduction of the Board

Tracy Scott and Stan Brehm alternates will be voting members tonight.

Chairman requested the Board to review the Minutes of July 11, 1996.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                Scott/Hamel                        (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Ron Wroblewski
Continued from 7/11/96                  Site Review - Repair Truck Bodies
                                                Map 3, Lot 29A, Dover Road

Doug Hamel stepped down from the Board because he is an abutter.

Mr. Vienotte registered land surveyor presented the Board with the final plans.

Mr. Brodeur from St. Mary’s Bank was present and requested a letter contingent on ownership for the closing on this piece of property.

A letter from Caron engineering was reviewed, Mr. Rollins suggested easement information should be on the plan, the Board was in agreement  the easement information should be on the deed not on the plan.


The paved parking spaces should have been 20 feet by 10 feet with 20 feet behind each space.  Paved area is sufficient for building size.

Motion was made to accept site plan as presented.

                        Giuda/Brehm           (Passed)

Letter will be sent to St. Mary’s Bank August 2, 1996.

Plans will be signed when land changes hands.

PUBLIC HEARING:                                 William Briggs
                                                        Site Review/Agricultural in Commercial Zone
                                                        Map 8, Lot37, Carpenter Road

Mr. Briggs presented the Board with his final plans.

Mr. Briggs explained to the Board where the gravel would be placed.

A Board member asked Mr. Briggs how many trailers would be stored.  Mr. Briggs explained he has not had more than 4 parked at one time.

The Board is requesting graveled area defined on plan with parking and roadway.

Mr. Briggs disagrees with the Board about the parking and roadway in the graveled area.

The Board wants cross hatched area of gravel with the identification of parking and driveway on the plan.

Motion was made to change plan with proposed gravel area 100 foot by 200 foot dimensions.

                        Jordan/Giuda        (Passed)

Public Hearing will be continued to September 5, 1996

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Richard Millette
                                        Map 2, Lot 20, Horse Corner Road

Mark Stevens registered land surveyor presented the Board with the final plans.

All areas of concern were corrected.

Motion was made to accept the plan as presented.

                        Brehm/Jordan       (Passed)

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Carl Mahlstedt, Goosebay Lumber
                                                Additional Building
                                                Map 4, Lot 157, Dover Road

Mr. Mahlstedt asked the Board if he could build a lean-to type building instead of the larger building he proposed to build without going through site review.

The Board explained to Mr. Mahlstedt that in the commercial zone any additional building must go through site review.

No public hearing scheduled.


The Board discussed the word “etc”  and how it will not be used in any minutes or decisions.

Two Boy Scouts John Lokker and Evan McIntosh along with representative John Lokker, Sr. from Boy Scout Troop 85 were present during this meeting the meeting is part of the requirement for a merit badge.

Motion was made to adjourn at 8:55pm

                        Hamel/Scott    (Passed)

Motion was made to reopen the meeting at 9:22pm

                        Jordan/Giuda   (Passed)

The discussion was based on a decision made earlier on Mr. Briggs site review.

Mr. MacCleery stepped off the Board.


Members were in agreement a few things needed to be addressed and a letter needed to be sent.

The removal of “Pasture/Trailer Storage” from the plan, as the only trailer storage will be allowed in the designated parking area.

Also, a statement on the plan of the maximum number of trailers that will be parked in the designated parking area.

Letter will be drafted for the chairman 8/2/96 and mailed.

Motion was made to again adjourn.

                        Hamel/Scott       (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 9:38pm

                                                Respectfully Submitted,